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What is "therapy"?  

The word "therapy" can mean a lot of things, to a lot of people.  It can be confusing to sort out what kind of therapy might be helpful to you, especially if you are in crisis.

Maybe this brief description will help orient you to my practice. I bring relational, somatic (body-aware), and psychoanalytic self psychological perspectives to clinical work.  That means is I prioritize creating a safe, attuned, connected space for my clients.  In this therapeutic relationship. I foster a genuine interest in understanding your unique take on matters that concern you. In an open, informal way, I will encourage you to explore yourself, the hopes and the worries that bring you to therapy.

Individual psychotherapy

The process of receiving and responding to you as a whole person--your history, your strengths, and your struggles--can help us better appreciate who you are, and where you are at in the here and now.  Often by talking through your concerns with an empathic witness, the burden starts to shift a little. When therapy is working, you might feel more "real", more credible to yourself, as things start making sense in new ways. Fresh paths out of "stuckness" emerge as your ways forward.   

I work with individuals both in-person and remotely, using the Zoom video platform.  

Conjoint or Couples therapy

In my practice the process is similar to individual work, but with a few differences.  Here, I invite the wonderful complexity of two people, plus their ways and history of relating to one another, into a therapeutic alliance with me. In conjoint work the therapist often takes a more active role, like ensuring emotional safety in sessions, or helping partners establish a more dynamic relational space.  Couples work aims for empathic skill-building experiences.  Here, both partners can learn new, attuned ways of listening and being with one another. My approach is not formulaic. Therapy is tailored to the people who show up in the room.  


At this time I work with couples on an in-person basis.

"No matter what happens on the periphery of a person, the centre of right energy strives again and again
to re-establish the processes of life." 

John Pierrakos, M.D., Core Energetics

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